Wednesday 26 October 2016

The Invisible String - Tuesday, October 25

On Monday, Ms. Skerritt, dropped by our classroom to show us a new book that she got.  It is called "The Invisible String" and it is by Patrice Karst.  The book is about twins who are afraid and don't want to be away from their mom.  In the story, the mom teaches her twins about the invisible string, a magic string that keeps us connected to the people we love, even when we are not with them.

We thought that reading this book might make some of our friends feel a little less anxious about coming to school in the morning and saying goodbye to moms and dads.  If we all remember that we have an invisible string that connects us to each other, transitions and other scary events can be made a little easier.

The students LOVED the story, and now ask for it every day.  We have read it three times now, and will continue to read it as long as the students ask for it.  In the meantime, we recorded Mrs. Piquette reading the story to the children and wanted to post it here for you to enjoy at home.

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