Saturday, 30 January 2016

Dramatic Changes

The movie theatre.  Here is the post you were promised a mere few minutes ago.  When the topic was introduced and the movie theatre was chosen as the next stage for our dramatic play, the children were, perhaps, the most excited we have seen them all year.  EVERYONE got involved in creating props for the centre.  We now have movie posters, tickets, money, signs, and very excited children in our classroom.

After the children had made a plethora of materials, they went outside for recess.  Mrs. Piquette and Mrs. Proud decided to surprise the children by aiming the projector at the "movie screen" and quietly turning it on when the students came in.  We played a Magic School Bus video and the reaction was quite amazing!  Check out the video below:

The children making posters, tickets, and money for the theatre.

Beginning to play in the theatre, and adding more materials with magazine collages.

Breaking in the new theatre with Shaun the Sheep Movie and popcorn from Vivian and Mrs. Proud!

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